subject areas are available! Content Set CD subject areas include:
Health and Prevention
(Add Bonus Questions and Resources to Content Sets)

excel with PowerZone! Capture their attention with multimedia
action, team play, and game suspense. In a PowerZone "quiz bowl"
event, challenging questions—combined with music, animation,
special effects, game clocks, and scoreboards—create an exciting
atmosphere for success. An
ideal resource! PowerZone complements any textbook or curriculum—it's
terrific for both unit previews and reviews. Concepts and lessons
are reinforced with thought-provoking questions and instructional
feedback. Research-based educational strategies prepare your students
to excel—whether in the classroom or on "high stakes"

enthusiasm! Create teams within your class or challenge another
group to some friendly, academic match play. As your students discover
the PowerZone experience—whether in teams or on their own—success
and fun are waiting for them. Fascinating graphics, fast-paced animation,
compelling music, and special effects engage today's tech-savvy teens.
Discover multimedia power when your students enthusiastically respond
to your most important subject matter.
and Preparation Make the Difference. PowerZone motivates students
to prepare for top performance. Throughout a course of study, unit,
midterm, and end-of-term sessions serve as culminating events. Students
prepare for game days by creating "lifeline" notebooks
for use during contests. They learn preparation makes the difference!

is Point-and-Click Easy. Click spheres to select session settings
and let the fast-paced PowerZone event begin.
Collaborate for Success. Teams select a game token for their
identity. As play progresses, members collaborate to sort out the
facts and examine the concepts. A team atmosphere flourishes as
all members become engaged, participate, and contribute to their

Adapts to Needs. Hundreds of carefully designed questions are
already organized for easy selection and use. Create your question
mix by clicking on specific topics, national standards, or chapters
of leading textbooks. To personalize PowerZone even further, use the
Toolkit to enter your own bonus questions and presentation
Your Session. PowerZone puts you in control. Set the game length
to your time schedule. Set question pace to challenge your students.
For different instructional purposes, select from three PowerZone
modes: Extra Questions adds more content during a session;
Extra Media uses more game elements and multimedia fun; Assessment
uses tracking and reporting to provide an ideal alternative
to traditional assessment.

Students. As teams strive for points, game strategy—combined
with skill and knowledge—creates an unpredictable and suspense-filled
contest. Random chances for double points, occasional setbacks, and
advancement to higher levels make the contest even more engaging.
Student Thinking. Questions and responses are carefully crafted
to assess student understanding of content. Teams examine facts,
analyze concepts, and use their "lifeline" notebooks to
select winning responses. Correct and incorrect answers receive
appropriate feedback, including frequent instructional clues to
stimulate thinking.

on Student Success. The computer serves as the scoreboard, timer,
narrator, and game manager, allowing you to focus on what counts:
the learning needs and success of your students.
Instructional Opportunities. PowerZone sessions include convenient
intermissions and opportunities to evaluate overall performance
and target content for additional review. To address class needs,
redisplay questions answered either correctly or incorrectly. During
a game, use time-outs for those "teachable moments" and
on-the-spot discussions.
Use 2Know!™ classroom responders or NEO 2™ Laptops . Responder use is fully integrated, adding a new dynamic to PowerZone sessions. Just click the Responder Option to set up a session. Students use responders to answer questions, receive immediate, personal feedback. Individual and class reports are easily generated.
Requirements: Windows XP (SP2 or later), Vista or Macintosh OS X (10.2.8 or later); 1 GHz CPU, 1 GB RAM recommended. |