In this Personal Finance video series, your students will meet four young adults with some important financial decisions to make concerning their budgets, credit and transportation.
As they each explain their financial situations, you'll have the opportunity to stop the program and let your students decide what they think each of these young adults should do. Then you'll find out what decision was actually made. Will your students agree with them or find a different solution?
You Decide: Budgeting
Andrew needs to start a saving plan. Jocelyn has been laid off and is struggling to make ends meet. Kevin needs more spending money to keep up with friends. And Samantha has to decide if she wants roommates help meet expenses.
You Decide: Credit
Samantha is considering furnishing her apartment on credit. Andrew is buried in credit card debt and has to dig himself out. Jocelyn needs to borrow money to meet her bills. And Kevin wants a credit card like his high school friends.
You Decide: Transportation
Jocelyn must decide whether to keep fixing her old car or trade it in. Andrew needs a reliable vehicle to commute to work. Kevin is tired of sharing the two family cars. And Samantha has to decide if she can afford her car in the city.