SMARTteam is an evidence based SAMHSA model program for violence prevention and intervention in middle school. Using games, simulations, graphics, cartoons, and interactive interviews, SMARTteam engages young adolescents in learning new skills to resolve bullying and harrassment conflicts without violence. Eight activities cover anger management, dispute resolution, perspective-taking, triggers and fuses, and mediation. Involve your entire classroom with one computer and an LCD projector or interactive whiteboard or have students work individually or in small groups. Optionally, use a student response system (clickers) to increase student engagement and discussion. Print-based activity resources support the software by providing student direction, extended instruction, and evaluation tools. Managing Anger CD includes:
Resolving Conflicts CD includes:
Additional Information SMARTteam is an evidence-based proven effective violence prevention and anger managment program for grades middle school and high school. Click one of the links below for questions, program description, theoretical background, and evaluation research. Send email to ask questions or request additional information SMARTteam: Students Managing Anger and Resolution Together SMARTteam: Students Managing Anger and Resolution Together
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